MV Agusta has decided, in agreement with workers’ representatives and in full compliance with the urgent provisions contained in the Prime Minister’s 11/03 decree and with the guidelines issued by Confindustria Lombardia, to keep its Schiranna plant, in Northern Italy, open. This in order to guarantee production continuity, yet with reduced personnel.Measures to reduce the presence of staff within the premises have immediately been adopted, such as the closure of non-essential departments, “smart working”, unused holiday allowances and CIG (Cassa Integrazione) once the official decision will be announced.
For those employees who will continue coming to work, the company has introduced a number of measures to prevent and contain the spreading of the Covid-19 epidemic, such as the supply of facemasks, gloves, sanitising gel and detergents for the sanitation of workspaces and surfaces in addition to limiting access to common areas.Precise rules of conduct, by which every employee is required to abide, have been posted in every department (Covid-19 information circular on “rules of conduct and safety provisions”). Safety distances between workers are being respected in all areas of the plant, also thanks to the temporary reduction of the number of personnel on-site.Up to the present moment, the company has no evidence of employees with symptoms connected to Covid-19. Normal production activity will, therefore, continue, yet with all due precautions, except for new Government provisions.

Published Date: 2020-03-17 12:37:30
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